Das Komparativ

Just like in English you can use comparsion to express that something is better. For now we're going to focus on the first degree of comparsions which is the comparative.








The pattern is straightforward so you can always expect a comparative to end in -er. Keep in mind though that some adjectives already end in -er just how we noticed on lecker, we simply add another -er then.

You also have to keep the correct adjective endings in mind. If an adjective is in front of a masculine noun like in kleiner Baum, it already uses an -er ending which wouldn't be the comparative. To make the adjective a comparative you simply concatenate another -er and you get kleinerer Baum. The adjective ending always appears after the comparative ending.


It's also common thing for comparatives to use the Umlaut of a, o and u for example groß would turn into größer, keep in mind though that there are many exceptions to it.

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